Vegan MoFo #3: A Tour of My Kitchen

I’m not posting about a recipe specifically today, even though I did work on one. 🙂 You’ll read about it later. Today was a catch-up-on-chores and do-ALL-the-things kind of day and it’s now 5pm and the first chance I’ve had to even consider doing a post at all.

I saw someone else post about what they considered essential in a vegan kitchen, so I decided to take pictures of mine and share them with you as my contribution today. I talked about my kitchen a little bit in a past post, but this time I’m going to show you inside my cupboards. Bear in mind that this is a 29′ trailer and so I’ve used every inch of space as efficiently as I can, if not in the most TIDY fashion.

This is my staples area. On the top shelf are a variety of containers with screwtops. Left to right we have barley, nooch, sugar, black beans, mixed rolled grains, pinto beans, bandaids, and a flour sifter. (Bandaids there because GooGoo can’t reach them.) On the bottom shelf there are garbanzo beans, white flour, wheat flour, rolled oats, granola, and a crockpot. These are all the staple foods we use the most.

Next over we have brown rice, cocoa powder, bag of cocoanut, instant clear jel, and bread pans on the top shelf, and a mishmash of Pyrex lids, cooling racks, muffin tins, and baking sheets on the bottom. And a bonus pennywhistle, because Mr Pine Nut sometimes plays during or after mealtimes.

Top shelf: gluten flour, box of matzo, half the popcorn popper, tapioca pearls, popcorn, and an empty space where the pressure cooker is kept when not in use. Bottom shelf: pie pans, Pyrex cake/casserole pans, electric skillet, small saucepan and skillet. The electric skillet is an amazing thing to have in this tiny kitchen.

Under the staples cupboard (the first picture), we have a toaster, food processor, olive oil, and blender. And a drying ziploc bag. Because yes, we’re the crazy cheapskates who wash and reuse them until they shred or break open at the seams. 🙂

This is the cupboard over the sink. Big spice containers of cinnamon, onion powder, basil, and parsley up here; baking soda/powder, cornstarch, Ener-G egg replacer, oil, salt, soy milk powder, peanut butter, liquid sweeteners…

Cookbooks! Tomato powder! The other half of the popcorn popper! And random cans of beans, olives, and jarred salsa!

This is the (currently rather paltry) fridge door. All I have in here at the moment is tahini, Nucoa, yeast, liquid smoke, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, and hot sauce. I think those are peanuts in the bag.

Again, this is rather a paltry example of in-fridge supply. Usually I have loads of Pyrex full of cooked rice and beans and leftovers. Loads means “more than the four in this picture”. Those are tomatoes and cabbage from our garden and that’s hickory-smoked applesauce on the top shelf. *

And finally, the crowning glory of my kitchen: the spice drawer!!!1! This is the top layer.

And this is the bottom layer. It’s like a puzzle that has to go in just so, or the drawer won’t close. I LOVE MY SPICE DRAWER.


*Actually, it just burned in the pan, but rather than throw away a Rather Large Batch of Applesauce, we’ve been eating it bravely for some time now and alternating it with Non-Hickory-Smoked Applesauce.

Categories: around the kitchen, challenges, recipes, vegan mofo, vegan mofo 2012 | Tags: , , , , , | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “Vegan MoFo #3: A Tour of My Kitchen

  1. I reuse ziploc bags too! I can’t imagine how much I save doing it. I think I went 6 months without buying more–and I was using them for bread bags, so they got well used!


  2. I love this post! It is always interesting to me what other people have in their kitchens 🙂 I have a spice shelf that is overflowing. Maybe I’ll post a tour of my tiny kitchen some day.


  3. coldandsleepy2

    Ha! We wash and reuse our ziploc bags too. There are always 3 or 4 hanging around inside out drying.

    I’m impressed by how you manage to fit so much stuff into a small space without making it look totally overwhelming.


    • Too Cheap for Pine Nuts

      At the co-op in Corvallis they had this awesome bag dryer that was basically a bunch of dowels that unfolded like an umbrella so they were angled out. Hard to describe, but someday I hope I can splurge on one, because it was awesome.

      Hee. Sometimes I do feel utterly overwhelmed, because when you factor in the dirty dishes……… :-p


  4. Pingback: Musings on a Small Living Space | Too Cheap for Pine Nuts

  5. suz

    ya know that when you finish rinsing the bags and open them you can slap them wet on the cupboard doors and they stick..


  6. Pingback: The Saga of the Ever-Changing Kitchen! | Too Cheap for Pine Nuts

  7. Pingback: Vegan MoFo 2015: Tour of My Kitchen | Too Cheap for Pine Nuts

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