Wrapping Up MoFo 2012

Well, this past month has been an adventure. I’m kind of ready to stop thinking so hard about my menus and just cook more spontaneously again, as I usually do (and not have to write a blog post about every meal I make… it’s fun, but time-consuming.)

Things I’ve learned from Betty Crocker:

  • She uses a LOT of saturated fats. I reduced the fat by half pretty consistently and still felt that it was a lot. I think that oil could be used to good effect instead in most of the recipes.
  • There’s actually a fair amount of stuff in the cookbook that is adaptable and good. There’s also a lot I’d never bother with. But this project has inspired me to expand my horizons. I’d like to try veganising more of the recipes in days to come.

I had a lot of fun all the same, and I’m already tossing ideas around in my brain trying to decide what I should choose as a theme next year. 🙂

Categories: challenges, vegan mofo, vegan mofo 2013 | Leave a comment

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