Monthly Archives: June 2013

Life goes on

I’m still around. I plan to be back to blogging at the end of the month to take part in the PPK forum’s vegan blog challenge (like a cookbook challenge, but with blogs instead). The idea is to try at least three recipes from a blog that one hasn’t previously made and then post pictures and comments and all that stuff. It should be fun, and help get me out of my rut.

Not that anyone asked for a reason, but the primary reason I’m breaking from blogging has to do with my issues with depression/suspected PMDD. Ever since I got pregnant with Lou Who, something has been extremely off in my brain and my mood swings are very severe and I get angry at the drop of a hat over nothing whatsoever. It’s NOT fun to have screaming matches with my 3-year-old. How can I expect her to be a sweet, nice person if all she sees modelled is a hormonal mom on a rampage for weeks on end?

So, I’m taking steps to remedy the situation. I’m engaged in some cognitive behavioural therapy (two weeks in and it’s already helped immensely with a number of things) and on this coming Monday I have an appointment to talk with my doctor about trying Zoloft. The idea is to be on it for a few months, then wean off, and see if it will get those nerves firing properly at one another again.

In the meantime, I’m taking one day at a time and very very much enjoying not having to blog every week on top of everything else (much as I love blogging here).

So, I’ll plan to see you at the end of June. In the meantime, enjoy this picture of my new pair of shoes, because JELLY SHOES.


Categories: Mrs Pine Nut | 5 Comments

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