All About Mrs Pine Nut

My dad.

This is my dad.

my mom.

This is my mom.

It be me.

This is me.

Also me.

Eventually I sort of grew up and sometimes pretended to be Cousin Itt.


Then I studied graphic arts and this is how I dressed for school on a regular basis.


I wore high heels almost every day. I even tromped around the woods in them sometimes.


But at night, I turned into this creature who took lots of strange self-portraits and Skyped till all hours with international friends about important things like poetry and insanity.


Then I left home, met Mr Pine Nut, and married him.


We had a baby named GooGoo and I stopped wearing high heels all the time, because it made it harder to do things like this.


I read a lot when I’m not cooking or tending daughters. (Oh wait, cooking and tending daughters is kind of all I do these days.)


I am blessed to live in a place where I get views like this.


Then GooGoo was joined by Lou Who.

mrs pine nut

Also, I love to cook.

Some ways you can keep up with me:

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4 thoughts on “All About Mrs Pine Nut

  1. amanda

    Love that you did the Flicka, Ricka and Dicka cake. My 3 year old and I dream about that cake!


  2. Pingback: Where have I been? | Too Cheap for Pine Nuts

  3. You are full of surprises! I love this post about you! I love that you are so different from me. I am not fashionable at all, don’t like to cook, and not hilarious.


    • haha, everyone says i’m funny, and i think it’s funny because i don’t think i’m that funny…..

      Liked by 1 person

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