Posts Tagged With: german chocolate

German Chocolate Rolls

Two years ago on the 25th of October, I began this blog. I had really only one reason for this. I had a recipe I was burning to share with the world.

Thing was, I hadn’t perfected it yet. I just couldn’t afford to keep buying pecans and cocoanut milk to test it with! Finally I splurged on the ingredients needed, and here it is: German Chocolate Rolls. I am honoured to present these to you at this Virtual Vegan Potluck!


Proof in measuring cup:
1.5 T yeast
1/4 c warm water

Cream together in bowl until smooth:
3/4 c sugar
1/2 c cocoa powder
1/3 c vegan margarine
1 tsp salt
3 flax eggs (9T hot water+3T ground flax)
1 c cocoanut milk (the canned stuff, NOT the beverage! Either lite or full fat will work, but I recommend full fat)
1 tsp vanilla

Add yeast mixture and stir together well.

Add, 1 cup at a time:
5-6 c white flour

Knead 5 minutes.

Let rise in bowl 35 minutes, punch down and let rise 30 more minutes.

Form into rolls just like a cinnamon roll: roll the dough into a rectangle and then spread the filling on the rectangle.


Fill with:
liberal spreading of vegan margarine
3 T brown sugar
1/2 c pecans (or walnuts if you’re broke)
2/3 c cocoanut (a blend of fine shred and large shred is fun)
1/4 c chocolate chips (optional)
Enough agave / dilute molasses to make it stick together
1 tsp vanilla
pinch salt

Roll up the rectangle, pinch it closed, and slice it into 12 rolls. Place in a lightly oiled or sprayed 13×9 pan.

Bake at 350 20-30 minutes.

Right before the rolls come out of the oven, make the glaze:
1c powdered sugar
2.5 T cocoanut milk (or as needed to make a very thick glaze – the heat of the rolls will melt it!)

Drizzle the glaze (or glop it on) over the hot rolls. And then eat them. Yum.


To sample another fantastic vegan dessert, keep going down the potluck line to In Vegetables We Trust!

To go back for more of what you already had, step back to Fitting Into Vegan!


Categories: dessert, holiday, recipes, vegan, virtual vegan potluck | Tags: , , , , , , , | 32 Comments

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