Pinterest Roundup

Admit it: if you have a Pinterest, you have boards upon boards of recipes pinned. I know I do.

Reality has set in and I’ve quit being so liberal about pinning new recipes to my boards lately, but there are some I’ve actually tried (imagine that!), so here’s a roundup of some of those for you, with my comments – some good, some bad.

Chickpeas with Roasted Cumin and Tomatoes : This was yum. One might argue that I didn’t REALLY make this recipe, because I didn’t use an Actual Clove and Cardamom, subbing ground instead, but whatevs. It was super good. I didn’t add the chilies; I added some cayenne powder afterwards to mine because I have two spicephobes in my house.

Kale-Garlic Waffles : These were fantastic. GooGoo even loved them. I can’t remember now what we ate ON them (if anything), but they were good just buttered and munched.

Hasselback Potatoes : Okay, these tasted really good, but they were way more work than it was worth. It was hard to not quite cut all the way to the bottom of the potato, plus it was very oil-laden. I’d rather just slice the potato all the way through and bake them that way.

Roasted Red Bell Pepper and Basil Penne : This was very labour intensive, but so, so worth it. Were I to do it again, I’d definitely make a huge batch of the stuff and freeze it, and that would make it a lot less work.

Brasilian Black Bean Soup : This is a staple soup at my house now.

Jellied Cranberry Sauce with Apple : This was a huge success last Thanksgiving. I’ve never made homemade cranberry sauce before, but you can’t get simpler than this and everyone loved it.

Screen Shot 2013-03-26 at 11.45.51 AM

This is Maggie’s photo, not mine.

Apple-Cranberry Bannock : This is so, so good. It’s like a scone on steroids. This is the one I chose to feature a photo of (because I’m just too lazy to go saving the images off the posts and reupload them here) because it’s amazing, and I think I’m going to make one for supper tonight.


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