Vegan MoFo 2015, Day 5: Best Sandwich Ever

5 Best. Sandwich. Ever.

This is going to be kind of a ramble about Sandwiches I Have Known, so here goes.

When I was growing up, I hated sandwiches with meat or leaves or cheese and stuff like that, including tuna fish (although when I was in my early-mid 20s I loved tuna fish). It was PB&J all the way, despite my cooler friends making fun of me for eating such a juvenile sandwich as a teenager. “Peanut butter is gross! It like sticks to your throat! Ew.” So I enjoyed my PB&J alone.

There was a sandwich filling I also liked that our minister’s wife made. It was cream cheese with chopped olives and that paper-think Carl Buddig type meat chopped in. I’ve wanted to try veganising that but haven’t ever gotten around to it.

Anyway, after I got married, for some reason or other we got a leek, and for some reason or other I just happened on a whim to make a sandwich on rye bread with a slice of good tomato and some thinly sliced leek. Oh was that ever delish.

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But, you what? My favourite sandwich is STILL a PB&J. If loving PB&J means I’ll be forever a kid, then so be it. NOM. To me, a toasted whole-wheat English muffin eaten open-face with chunky peanut butter and raspberry jam Cannot Be Topped.


Categories: sandwich | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “Vegan MoFo 2015, Day 5: Best Sandwich Ever

  1. pb&j will always win.


  2. Hahaha I actually thought of being honest and just blog about pb-j too, but then I decided against it. But I’m glad someone did it, because it’s gotta be honored! Pb-j forever!


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