Vegan MoFo 2015, Day 7: Film-Inspired Food

7 Make / eat some thing inspired by a book or film.

This is your warning. I’m incredibly immature. Read on if you want to, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. πŸ˜‰

One night, as a child, we had tacos for dinner, as we often did. My dad, for one reason or another, topped all of his taco fixings with a generous blob of refried beans.

“Mike, that looks like barf,” my mom said.

I have such a twisted sense of humour. I used to hate refried beans. Now I took great joy in them, because they looked like barf. Tasty, tasty barf.

All that being said, I just got back from camping late last night, and didn’t have time to recreate anything for this post, but as I made lunch today, the only thing I could think about was a great big bowl full of refried beans to replicate Barf’s summer snack in Spaceballs.

Image from jmbmommy on flickr

Image from jmbmommy on flickr

I know. I’m so mature*. But I honestly LOVE refried beans because they look like barf. I love them so much I’ll eat them cold out of a can. If I’m not lazy, I’ll warm them up so they actually look like barf, instead of a can shape with ridges.



*Search hashtag foodthatlookslikepoop on Instagram. I’ve been threatening to do Fecal Fridays and feature food that looks like poop for some time now. So… yeah.


Categories: vegan mofo, vegan mofo 2015 | Tags: , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Vegan MoFo 2015, Day 7: Film-Inspired Food

  1. Happy Vegan MoFo to ya! Great place you have here! LOVE the movie connection! Nice post!


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